Breuss Massage
What is the Breuss Massage?
The Breuss Massage is a very relaxing and gentle Spinal Back Massage designed to help safely stretch, nourish, re-align and energize the Spine. The combination of natural oils such as St John’s Wort oil, energy healing techniques and silk paper used during the massage all help to heal and detox the Spine, while providing nourishment to the Intervertebral discs.
The Breuss Massage can also be used alongside many other therapies and indeed is often combined with The Dorn Method for a more complete Back Pain therapy.
What are the Benefits to having a Breuss Massage?
Our Spine plays a vital role in our well being, supporting not only our Skeletal and Muscular structure, but also providing a pathway for our energy and nervous system to all parts of our body. Like any other living organism it is in a constant state of work and suffers continual stress due to the loads forced upon it through our daily routines.
The benefits of the Breuss massage are many:
Breuss is hugely relaxing, calming and rejuvenating
The Breuss Massage stretches the Spine, acting rather like a whole nights worth of healthy sleeping
A spinal mobilisation technique which has a therapeutic effect on the nervous system
Helps relieve Back Pain and other related symptoms like Sciatica
Helps relieve Muscular Aches and Pains
Stretches out and nourishes the Spinal vertebrae
Removes energy blockages along the Spine
Loosens you up and increases vitality
Helps spiritual growth and emotional clearing
The Breuss Massage, a very Relaxing Spinal Massage
Booking Your Breuss Massage
If you would like to experience this wonderfully relaxing Massage, please use the button below to book online. Alternatively call Brigitte to make an appointment on 0789 6489138.